Smile. Talk, eat, experience... and enjoy life.

When, if not now?

And for a smile, come to us. An implant is the best and most optimal way to regain lost teeth.
In harmony with nature. Simply!

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The Kwiatek Clinic and Dental Implants Team Poznań



Smile. Talk, eat, experience...
and enjoy life.

When, if not now?

And for a smile, come to us. An implant
is the best and most optimal way,
to regain lost teeth. In harmony with nature.

Schedule an appointment
Immediate implantation find out more
Augmentation (reconstruction) of bone, sinus lift
Edentulism - reconstruction of entire dental arches find out more
Augmentation (reconstruction) of bone, sinus lift find out more

the best specialists

digital treatment protocol

the most modern equipment


individual planning

10-year warranty

Dental Implants in Poznan - Kwiatek Clinic

Implant treatment is an excellent solution for people who have gaps in their dentition. The latest digital technology, combined with the doctor's many years of practice, makes the implanted implants virtually indistinguishable in visual and functional terms from natural teeth. The procedure is painless.

Dental implants performed at Kwiatek Clinic can boost your confidence and improve the quality of your life!

FAQ - frequently asked questions

How can we start the treatment?

Before any implant treatment, it is necessary to create a treatment plan based on:

  • X-ray images (panoramic and small-scale), allowing to assess the condition of the bone, its height, and the condition of adjacent teeth.
  • Diagnostic models / scans, allowing to assess the bite.
  • CBCT - computer tomography.

Based on this plan, the patient becomes thoroughly familiar with the treatment time, its costs, and possible variants of the dental implant insertion procedure.

How to prepare for an implantology consultation?

We have all the necessary diagnostic tools on site. It is only important that the patient knows what diseases and allergies they suffer from, and is familiar with the list of medications they take daily and their dosages.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are small screws made of titanium that replace the root of the tooth. Prosthetic crowns or bridges consisting of several crowns, i.e. reconstructed dentition, are attached to them.

Dental implants are made of titanium and its alloys (sometimes with the addition of ceramics), which makes them perfectly tolerated by the human body. They do not cause allergic reactions and inflammatory conditions. There are many implants that differ in terms of shape, size, and their use.

Why is it worth choosing implants?

Dental implants are highly advanced artificial tooth roots. They are as reliable as if they were part of the body. They provide the best, stable foundation for single crowns and most bridges or dentures. By using proven solutions in the field of implantology, you can expect many benefits.

Thanks to implants, we protect the patient's healthy teeth, as the traditional prosthetic bridge requires grinding of teeth adjacent to the tooth gap.

Dental implants also:

  • prevent bone loss and loss of other teeth
  • eliminate the need for dentures
  • prevent changes in facial appearance

are the most economical solution

When is the best time to insert an implant?

The implant should be inserted as soon as possible, even on the day of tooth extraction. Why?

- after losing a tooth, the surrounding bone begins to disappear, which in the future leads to deformation of the dental arches and an unfavorable change in the appearance of the face. As a result of bone loss, teeth adjacent to the gap begin to tilt towards the gap, unfavorably changing their position.

- the lack of even one tooth causes an improper distribution of forces during chewing and negatively affects the adjacent muscles and joints, causing, for example, severe migraines. Additionally, it forces a change in diet, and also affects mental well-being, reducing the comfort of daily life.

Are there any contraindications to implant placement?

There are relative and absolute contraindications. Their nature in a given patient is assessed by the doctor during the consultation. In the case of relative contraindications, the patient receives information on how to prepare for the procedure to eliminate the risk of complications. Mental illnesses are an absolute contraindication to implant placement.

Is it possible to place an implant when there is insufficient bone quantity?

Yes, it is possible. However, the condition is to perform so-called augmentation, which is the reconstruction of the jaw or mandible bone using bone substitute material, bone grafts or platelet-rich fibrin. Although it sounds complicated, it often simply constitutes an additional stage during the procedure itself and is in no way perceptible to the patient. The implantation of the implant also prevents further bone tissue atrophy, so it is worth deciding on the procedure as soon as possible.

How to prepare for the procedure?

First and foremost: get in the right mindset!

Before the procedure, you should also go for a dental hygiene appointment and possibly other dental treatments recommended by the implantologist. Carry out the necessary blood tests (the patient receives a list of these during the consultation), ensure post-operative physical rest, do not plan any lifting, going to the gym or sauna.

Before the procedure itself, you should eat a meal, hydrate yourself, take your regular medication (unless the doctor has advised otherwise), after the procedure, semi-liquid, nutritious meals are recommended.

Is the procedure painful?

The implant placement procedure is painless, as it is performed under local anesthesia. After the procedure, slight swelling and mild pain may occur, which disappear within one or two days.

What is the healing time?

The healing of the wound takes several days.

However, osteointegration (i.e., the fusion of the implant with the bone) takes from 3 to 6 months. Thanks to this, the implant becomes an integral part of the dentition. During the healing period, a temporary crown is applied (in the case of immediate implant loading) or a temporary adhesive bridge (which does not require grinding of the adjacent teeth).

Which implant system will be the best in my case?

The exact type of implant to be inserted depends on the patient's clinical situation. Sometimes, logistical considerations related to the availability of elements of a given system elsewhere in the world also play a role. For many people, economic factors are also important.

We plan in such a way as to choose an individual and optimal solution for each patient.

What are the post-procedure recommendations?

All recommendations along with a list of medications are given to the patient after the procedure on a leaflet, which they take home. The most important of them are:


Smoking tobacco

Drinking alcohol for at least 5 days (until the end of the antibiotic course)

Sauna and solarium

Hot meals and drinks on the day of the procedure

Intense mouth rinsing on the day of the procedure

Physical exertion (for 7 days)

Do not eat or drink for 2 hours after the procedure

Apply cold compresses (on the day of the procedure)

Use the indicated mouthwash / antiseptic preparation

In the area of the procedure, use a new, very soft post-procedure toothbrush

Regularly take the recommended medications

Take care of oral hygiene

Inform us about any concerning situations

How to take care of crowns on implants?

The patient receives information about the care of prosthetic works and the conditions for maintaining the warranty on the day of delivery in the form of dedicated recommendations.

The most important of them are:

Report for regular checks of prosthetic work (at least every 6 months or more often - according to the doctor's indications)

Regularly perform hygiene procedures (at least every 6 months or more often - according to the doctor's / hygienist's indications)

Take perfect care of your home oral hygiene

Is the implant for life?

Theoretically: YES. However, we never know how our patient's life will unfold, what the clinical situation of the remaining structures in the oral cavity will look like. An implant is not a separate element, it is an integral part of it. Therefore, if adverse changes occur within the oral cavity, the lifespan of the implant may also be reduced. When the patient follows the recommendations and reports for regular check-ups along with hygiene procedures, a 10-year warranty on the implant and a 5-year warranty on the prosthetic work placed on it are maintained.

Do you have questions?
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