Education and academic degrees

October 22, 2021
Doctor of Medical Sciences K. Marcinkowski Medical University in Poznan Evaluation of endothelial function parameters in the saliva of individuals with obesity.
July 12, 2012
Dentist K. Marcinkowski Medical University in Poznan

Scientific publications

Evaluating the diagnostic potential of saliva in relation to periodontal disease and changes occurring within the endothelium. - Jakub Dyba, Marcin Lenkowski, Anna Surdacka.
Dent. Forum, 2017: Vol. 45, no. 1, p. 21-25, bibliogr. abstr. summary.
Periodontal diseases as a risk factor for stroke - preliminary data. - A. Kurhańska-Flisykowska, K. Baksalary-Iżycka, I. Wojtasz, W. Łojewski, K. Nijakowski, J. Dyba, N. Andrzejewska, J. Anioła, E. Dembowska, R. Kaźmierski, A. Kowalska
Int. Dent., 2016: Vol. 66, suppl. 1, p. 81.
Periodontitis and periopathogens as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease and stroke. - A. Kowalska, A. Kurhańska-Flisykowska, K. Baksalary-Iżycka, I. Wojtasz, W. Łojewski, K. Nijakowski, J. Dyba, N. Andrzejewska, J. Anioła, A. Surdacka, R. Kaźmierski
Polish-French Scientific Conference "Alzheimer's disease and neurodegenerative disorders: what challenges for tomorrow?". Warsaw, 4th November 2016.
Biochemical, microbiological and molecular characteristics of chronic and aggressive periodontitis. - J. Dyba, A. Surdacka, M. Lenkowski
Dent. Med. Probl., 2015: Vol. 52, No. 3, p. 330-335, bibliogr. abstr.
Salivary Endothelial Biomarkers in Obese Patients. - J. Dyba, A. Lehmann-Kalata, E. Swora-Cwynar, K. Korybalska, N. Czepulis, B. Kupczyk, A. Surdacka, M. Grzymisławski, J. Witowski
47th Meeting of the Continental European Division of the International Association for Dental Research (CED-IADR). Antalya, Turkey, 15-17 October 2015
Selected Methods of Surgical Treatment of Multiple Gingival Recessions - Case Descriptions. - T. Kuszczak, J. Dyba, K. Gryniewicz
Dent. Forum, 2015: Vol. 43, no. 2, p. 111-114, ill. bibliogr. abstr. summary.
Periodontal Status in Adult Patients with Type 1 Diabetes - Pilot Study. - J. Dyba, M. Lenkowski, A. Kurhańska-Flisykowska, A. Surdacka, A. Araszkiewicz
J. Stomatol., 2014: Vol. 67, suppl. 1, p. 189-190
Changes in the stomatognathic system as a result of untreated progeria - a case description. - A. Bohm, J. Dyba, A. Surdacka
J. Stomatol., 2014: Vol. 67, suppl. 1, p. 210-211
A clinical evaluation of abutment teeth in removable partial dentures using the Periotest method. - D. Medyński, J. Dyba
K. Marcinkowski Medical Univ. Sci. Publ., 2013
Integrated documentation system in the intensive care unit. - A. Gładysz, D. Dyk, I. Krysiak, J. Dyba, A. Kamińska
XII Congress of the Polish Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy. Katowice, 12-15 IX 1996. Abstracts

Conferences and scientific trips

IAO International Congress Bologna - "The Nightmare of Periimplant Papilla"
Zero Bone Loss Concept - Prof. Tomas Linkevičius- Warsaw
Planning of implant treatment for computer navigation purposes using the coDiagnostiX program - Dr. K. Chmielewski Warsaw
Augmentation Procedures Part I - Bone Harvesting Techniques, Augmentation and Soft Tissue Surgery - Prof. Dr. F. Khoury Germany, Olsberg
Aesthetics? Aesthetics! - Intensive Master Course - Front Teeth - Dr. Alexander Fetsych
Practical Aspects of Augmentation - The Procedure of Converting a Patient's Own Teeth into an Augment - Prof. Calvo Guirado Jachranka
Soft Tissue Day - Dr. Howard Gluckman Warsaw
Course of sinus lift, BRG and PRF technique - BH education Portugal, Porto
Curriculum of Oral Implantology - Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

Current reasearch being conducted

Periodontitis in the family as a risk factor for the occurrence of periodontal diseases in the Patient.
Non-standard use of surgical templates - for resection, implant removal, sinus lifting
Comparative study of the application of full arch reconstruction technique using 4 and 6 implants and permanent restoration - 1,2,3,4,5 year observations
Long-term observations of the effectiveness of maxillary sinus lift using hydrostatic pressure with immediate implantation.
Assessment of bone level in the case of immediate implantation with augmentation and without within the tooth socket.
Comparison of treatment results using standard implantation, implantation with a healing screw, PMMA temporary crown, composite temporary crown.
Immediate Implantation using the "Socket Shield" technique - 3-year observations, PINK score at a 3-year interval
Comparison of implant planning effectiveness versus the final position of the implant using a surgical template
Bone reconstruction using PTFE membranes reinforced with a titanium mesh, attached directly to the implant
Periimplantitis - treatment according to KK standard - use of Airflow Prophylaxis Master, PRF membrane, change of connector to zirconia
Comparison of bone substitute materials in the Sinus Lift procedure using the closed method (without the use of material, only PRF membrane, Cerabone, The Graft, lyophilized allogeneic bone, frozen allogeneic bone from a bone bank).
Comparison of indicators for assessing jaw width using computed tomography (CBCT) and intraoral scans (STL models).
Application of corticotomy method in supporting orthodontic treatment with the overlay system (CA).
Electronic foil vs traditional foil - how to use the Occlusense device or T scan.
Panto Monitoring - cyfrowe wsparcie radiologicznej diagnostyki stomatologicznej
Suplementacja i wspieranie zdolności regeneracyjnych organizmu w leczeniu stomatologicznym.

Teaching activities

2013 - 2018.
UMP Clinic of Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology Assistant
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